By |Published On: September 16th, 2024|

That’s how long you’ve got to get a consumer’s attention. Your packaging design better be up to the task because someone else’s will be.

“…on average, shoppers spend just two seconds deciding whether to pick up a product or not? In that short amount of time, packaging has to grab their attention, communicate key information, and entice them to purchase.” – Packaging Psychology: Understanding How Shoppers Think and Behave; Jodie Shaw

The ultimate responsibility of packaging has long been reserved for containing, carrying, and conserving the product inside. In today’s world, it has evolved to be something far more important. Modern package design seeks to display, promote, and sell the product and your brand. If you couple those tasks with the shrinking attention span of consumers, there’s a lot to get across in just 2 seconds. It’s really no exaggeration to say that your packaging is the last and best chance to sell your brand. 

We know it’s a given that everything you want to tell a consumer about your product, or your brand will take longer than 2 seconds, but CAN you still grab their attention in that amount of time? The following steps can inspire packaging that differentiates and generates customer loyalty.

Effective packaging differentiates, then communicates.


A recent Journal of Marketing Study examined a consumer trend toward minimalist packaging in consumable products. In fact, the study indicates that the simplicity of the package design correlates positively to a higher price.

“Increased willingness to pay for products in simple packaging is due to consumers often assuming that simple packaging signals few ingredients, which enhances perceived product purity.” – Lan Anh N. Ton, Rosanna K. Smith and Julio Sevilla

It is proven psychological fact that shoppers make decisions based on emotion rather than logic. This further illustrates the importance of impactful simplicity. Packaging must elicit a sense of excitement, pleasure, or indulgence. Designs that simply list the product’s features and benefits, don’t stand a chance. Bright colors, vibrant imagery, and striking visuals not only draw attention on the shelf, but conjure emotion much faster than words.


Shapes, colors and pictures are all processed by the brain incredibly faster than text can be processed, 60,000 times faster actually. Keeping this in mind, one would wonder why we need text at all. Not only are visual cues processed faster, they are more memorable.

“Another study that tested memory recall found that people could only remember 10% to 20% of the information they read after three days. When people digested the same information visually, the number jumped to nearly 65 percent.” – Anne Stephenson, Explorer Research

Effective packaging differentiates then communicates. Observe shoppers looking for household cleaners, air fresheners, or shampoos, and you’ll see their eyes tracking the array, searching for something unique or trying to find their favorite brand. The struggle is real, as many brands within the same category of products, often mimmic each other’s scent cues, colors, even shape. This is not differentiation. As one touch point of your brand, your packaging, even in a crowded category, should not be afraid to stand out.


Boldness wins, with the attention-span challenged. There’s an air of confidence in boldness that is both attention-getting and attractive. Understandably certain colors and visuals can lend themselves to different product categories and the urge to follow other successful brands is hard for marketers to ignore.

“Ultimately, product packaging design has the power to leave a lasting impact and build strong brand-consumer relationships.” – Pixenite

Bold design is almost never complex. While standing out may seem risky, the trick is to challenge category norms while still appearing to belong.


What does the retail space of the future look like? Whether you shop online or are one of the few holdouts who don’t, you’ve probably been exposed to the next iteration of packaging. It’s not only protector and promoter but also an experience provider. Many clients approach their online sales in this manner, and we steer them toward developing protective, shippable experiences for CPGs. We shift the emphasis not only on the visual stimulation but also the tactile sense as well. How well the package opens and how the recipient feels when they open it, now share emphasis with visual information. All facets must be covered to create a delightfully memorable experience.

“The unboxing experience has shown that it’s not just the product inside which matters. Product placement, how the box opens and closes, what the reviewer sees first upon opening, the feel, weight distribution, construction, branding and the ‘bells and whistles’, such as spot UV and foiling, are all the hidden qualities that goes into creating a great unboxing experience.” – Deborah Williams,


Future packaging design will certainly present new challenges as calls for reducing the size and number of materials used in packaging continue, visual impact will rely more on boldness and simplicity. This is where all your brand’s tightly integrated, consumer touchpoints, can give you an advantage. Keeping your branding consistent is what Bachman continues to provide as we educate our clients on all possibilities that elevate the consumer’s experience with your brand. Reach out to us and we’ll help you perfect that 2 second sales pitch.


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